The WASH & SHINE is a fun low key event. This event is within walking distance of the Festivals of Speed, a great, very high-end car show and great boats to view. BERT SMITH PORSCHE, our sponsor, will hand out awards, and hold a raffle. This is held at SPA BEACH PARK on 2nd Avenue North, which is the Pier approach. We will have cold water and you can bring a picnic lunch or dine in one of the many restaurants nearby.
The park opens at 9:00 am
Proceed toward the Pier and turn left into the parking lot, go to the east end and onto the grass. There will be signs.
11:00-12:00 Car show judging
The judges will be your kids and grandkids, as well as all participants. The kid’s choices will be recognized and prizes will be given for the official judging.
12:30 Awards and drawing
Upon conclusion of the event, you can leave your car and go to the Festivals of Speed car show. We will give you a ride in the Bert Smith golf cart.
Pre-registration needed, please! Enter, go to entrants information, go to registration, fill out the form and type “SPA BEACH.” Next to your name in the registration. Should you not receive your conformation, come anyhow.
ONE FREE ($20.00 VALUE) SHOW TICKET WITH EACH ENTRY TO THE FESTIVALS OF SPEED SITE! DO IT NOW! These tickets will be handed out at the event.
MINIUM DONATION: $25.00 per car. Make your check to ALL CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL or bring the correct cash.
Page Obenshain 727 430-6532,
We thank the Festivals of Speed, the City of St. Petersburg and Bert Smith Porsche for making this event possible.