Flag Definitions
Green Flag
- Track is clear
- Session underway
Yellow Flag
- Problem ahead requiring caution
- Slow car down
- No passing allowed
Waving Yellow Flag
- Problem in your immediate area
- Slow car down
- Be prepared to go off line safely
- No passing allowed
Blue Flag with Yellow Stripe
- Car behind you wanting to pass
- Signal, lift off throttle & allow to pass when appropriate
Yellow Flag with Red Stripes
- Oil or debris on track
- Proceed with caution
White Flag
- Slow moving or emergency vehicle in your immediate area
- Proceed with caution
Black Flag
- Something is wrong with your car or your driving
- Pull safely into the pits
- Acknowledge the corner worker waving the flag, so they know you have seen the flag
- Full course black, entire run group come into the pits
Black Flag with Orange “Meatball”
- Something is wrong with your car
- Pull safely into pits and see Chief Track Instructor
- Acknowledge corner working that is flagging you
Red Flag
- Session is to be halted
- Shown at all stations
- Pull off line & come to a controlled stop in view of a flag station and wait for instructions
Checkered Flag
- End of run session
- Commence a cool down lap