Zone Challenge AutoX….Registration is Open
Autocross has become a feature part of the 48 Hours at Sebring Club Race, and will again be run as part of the February event at Historic Sebring raceway. We hope to extend the tradition and see who the top dogs are in each class in this year’s zone 12 AX challenge. Classes will be based on PCR’s (mid-size region class structure). Trophy presentation after the last run.
Here are the details….
Date: Saturday, Feb. 3rd 2018
Time: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Final Registration/Tech/Course Walk from 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM, Mandatory Drivers meeting @ 9:40 AM with 1st car out @ 10:00 AM
Place: Sebring racetrack (Skid pad just before you go over the bridge)
Registration: via is open with a limit of 75 paid entries (Porsche cars and club members only)… no on-site registration.
Cost: $35. early/Prepaid @ only. $45 if paid after Jan. 14 2018. All early/Prepaid entrants will receive a commemorative t-shirt, and we anticipate 5 runs and great trophies.
Waivers: Participants must sign a waiver & receive an arm band at the main gate.
Host Region / AX Chairs: Gold Coast / Steve and Dottie Kidd(954) 292-3915 or (954) 946-3196 or
Sponsor: Bert Smith Porsche will again be our sponsor, many thanks to the Bert Smith Porsche Team for providing T-shirts, trophies, water and other goodies.
Please check event options to order extra t-shirts and other Club race items. A schedule revision may take place if the the group needs to be splint into a morning run group 7:30-11:30 and 12:30-4:00