TIRE RACK® STREET SURVIVAL® teen driver safety is coming to Sebring to stop the #1 killer of teens Car crashes are the leading killer of American teens from ages 15 – 20, with more than 5,000 teens involved in a fatal crash each year and an additional 196,000 injured. Simple driving errors, avoidable but common […]
In conjunction with DE
October Autocross #8 at Desoto/Full Throttle Speedway – Hawaiian Shirt Day Registration and tech inspection 9am - 9:45am. Novice course walk at 9:45am followed by drivers’ meeting. Snell 2005 helmet or newer required, loaners available. Please register on-line at clubregistration.net. Lunch will be provided. Non-Porsche vehicles are welcome. Cost is $30 for PCA and BMWCCA […]
Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.
SOLD OUT - waiting list only
Wentworth Golf Club, Tarpon Springs