by Paul Bienick | Jun 17, 2014 | Blog
Here are some photos from the Rookie Rally which was held on June 14, 2014.
by Paul Bienick | Jun 10, 2014 | Blog
This video and the text below is posted courtesy of Norm Sippel. This past weekend the Suncoast Porsche Club “invaded” Crystal River, Florida. It’s an area about an hour due north of here. But, the route we drove was anything but direct –...
by Paul Bienick | May 20, 2014 | Featured
Bert Smith Poker Run – May, 2014
by Paul Bienick | May 20, 2014 | Featured
Photos from the May 4th Autocross at St Petersburg College
by Paul Bienick | Apr 11, 2014 | Blog
Here are some photos from the recent Ronald McDonald Charity Golf Tournament. There will be another golf tournament on Nov 1st, so save the date and keep an eye on our calendar for details.