2018 Suncoast PCA Board Nominations

The nominating committee has made it’s report to the Board for the 2018 slate of officers and directors, and the Board has passed a motion accepting the report, and requesting that the nominations be published in the Profile and on the Website.

We wish to thank our Nominating Committee for their very hard work in assembling this impressive slate: the committee members were Dave Bassett, Denise Remus and Emad Sultanem.

If there are no further nominations by the deadline, then according to our bylaws the slate of nominees will be deemed elected.

The committee has nominated the following as the proposed slate of officers and directors for 2018:

President: *John Vita

Past President: Mike Mackenzie

Vice President: *Denise Remus

Secretary: *Pamela Richard

Treasurer: *Terry Richard

Social: *Jen Lane

Safety: *Dave White

Competition: *Bill Sumansky

Membership: *Larry Mendez

At Large: *Grant Painter

At Large: *Emad Sultanem

At Large: *Mike Campbell

Webmaster: Paul Bienick

Communications: Rick Meyer

Profile: Norm Sippel

Driver’s Education: Amy Riches

DE Tech: Peter Vosotas

Charitable Endeavors: Dave Bassett

48 Hours Co-Chair: Josh Breckeen

The board positions which are elected positions are designated with an * above. All other board members are appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Board.

If you wish to nominate someone to run for an elected position on the board, you must submit that nomination to Pamela Richard, along with the signed consent of the nominee to be nominated, and the nominee’s agreement if elected, to serve in the elected position for the following year. All nominations must be submitted by September 19, 2017. Submit to Pamela Richard by email at: parichard981@gmail.com.