We have had a very busy spring in the Suncoast Region, and a number of very successful events. Our Autocross program under the very capable leadership of Brian West has had many very successful events, and Brian also ran the autocross at Zone Fest over Memorial Day weekend, which had participants from all regions in Zone 12, and some guests from outside our zone. Our Driver’s Education program is going well with many exciting changes introduced by Amy Riches significantly improving what was already a very solid program. Our social events were very well attended, and we even had an overflow social at Sharky’s in Venice. We thank Hans and LaDonna Krenz for planning and hosting this event.

The point of all of this is that we have events of all types, appealing to not only the track junkies among us, but those of us who want concours events, such as at Zone Fest, and members who want rally’s, or tours, and of course, social events. If there is a type of event we don’t offer, on don’t offer enough of to suit your preferences, it might mean that we really need YOUR help in producing and running that event. If you have experience or expertise in one of these areas, or if you just have a strong interest in a particular type of event, let me know about it, or if you like, come to one of our Board meetings and discuss it with the Board. As you should know, Board meetings are open to all members: I do ask that you let me know that you are coming, and if you want to discuss something in particular, let me know that as well so that it may be added to the agenda.

Your Board of Directors consists of people from all walks of life, various ages, men and women, and with a variety of interests. What is consistent among them is that they are young at heart, are flexible and certainly welcome positive change, and want to keep the club moving forward. Just as Porsche keeps producing more and better cars, we want to keep pace with that by offering more and better events to our members.

As we move into summer, we traditionally have fewer events: for driving events, it is brutally hot at Sebring and on any of the autocross tracks, and for other events, many of our members head up north to cooler weather. We do have a few events, so keep an eye on our website, suncoastpca.org and this edition of the Profile.

Enjoy your summer. We combine the July & August issues of the Profile, so we will be back with you in September!