Life is good. There’s just no other way to look at it. Even when you face some not-so-fun days, there’s so much for which we can be thankful.
You may have noticed that we have a change at the helm of our fabulous publication, the Porsche Profile. It is with both excitement and sadness that I view this change. I am excited about the possibilities that Norm and Penny Sippel are bringing to the table with their unique publishing experience but sad that Alicia Nordquist is passing on the baton.
Alicia Nordquist has been our editor for over eight years, has published around 90 Profile magazines and brought the publication to a whole new level. She was a taskmaster to those of us who regularly contributed but we needed the gentle push! Alicia brought a newsy and delightful angle to the publication and faithfully got the magazine out to you even when her contributors had delays in getting articles and pictures into her. Although I have the highest regard for her work on the Profile, the way in which she resigned has given me a whole new respect for Alicia. What a classy lady! When she approached me to let me know that she could not longer be the editor and that she needed to pass the baton, she came with ideas on how to pass it on. We appreciate and love Alicia and will miss working with her. But don’t worry! Alicia is still a member and will continue to participate in all that we offer – so, when you see her please let her know just how much you appreciate all of the hard work that she gave to us. Thank you, Alicia! We love you dearly!
Long-time member Mike Kwasin is having the Mid-Summer BBQ at his beautiful home on August 15 at 4 PM. Back by popular demand is the “pot luck” aspect of this event. It has become quite fun taste testing the different dishes, figuring out who made them, and trying to figure out who is judging the dishes for the prizes and bragging rights. Mike is providing the meat and beverages and members will bring all of the side dishes – appetizers, veggies, salads, side dishes, and desserts! Registration is on and although the club is picking up the expenses and it is free for members to attend, you must be registered to attend. And please bring your best and favorite dish to share with your PCA friends – that is your ticket for entry. Mike has a pool and you’re welcome to jump in. It is also a family friendly event. So, jump on today and sign up!
More events have been added to the calendar for the fall and winter so check it out and save the dates!
Enjoy the sultry summer! If you’re taking a drive vacation, be safe and enjoy the ride. See you in the corners!