Are you ready for it? The month of love is upon us again and it gives us pause to wonder what that’s all about. It will mean different things to each of us but I suspect that we all have a love for our beloved Porsches.

Recently I’ve been reminded about how the Suncoast Porsche Club feels like family to many of our members. Do you feel that way? I joined PCA in 2003 and after volunteering for many things and attending many events, I agreed with those in the conversation that, yes, I do feel like the club has a familial feeling to it. And this is from a left-brained non-touchy-feely kinda girl. I look forward to our events and seeing friends I’ve known for awhile and hope there may be new members that will become friends. When someone falls ill or has an upsetting event in their family, I am concerned. Hmm. Yes, that feels like family.

2015 started off with a bang with AutoCross at the Brooksville Tampa Bay Airport. If you’ve been thinking about testing out your car in a safe environment, our next AutoCross is in March at the DeSoto Speedway. AX was followed by our time-honored tradition of launching the New Year at the Colonnade in Tampa. We had a record number this year and fun was had by all.

48 Hours at Sebring was another exhilarating event featuring the best Club Racing event in the world! Another sold-out race with hundreds of volunteers having as much fun as those who are behind the wheel on the track! In its 22nd year, this race is run by a large committee with directors from the Suncoast and Gold Coast regions who work all year to make sure it is operated professionally and by PCA National standards. Grant Painter is the Co-Chair representing Suncoast and is doing a phenomenal job in his first year! If you volunteered you know what I’m talking about. (BTW – thank you!!)

Thank you to the awesome directors from the Suncoast Region who are on the committee. They are (in alphabetical order):

David Bassett Information/Support Center
Carlos Debonis Tech Inspection & Impound
Bob Dikman Advertising, Sponsors & Vendors
Mike Mackenzie Volunteers
Joe Millin Medical Liaison
Page Obenshain Registrar-AdvSolo & CTI
John Oppihle Test & Tune & Pace Car
Eunice Painter Goodie Store
Grant Painter Co-Chairman
Jill Perry Grid Marshal
Amy Riches Steward Assistant
Ellen Riley Registrar-At Track
Dennis Wojcik Registrar-Race
Dave Herndon Co-Chairman (Past)
Nick Hrycaj Event Coordinator (Past)

Check out the calendar for the awesome events coming up and save the dates. Alicia posts the calendar here and Paul Bienick keeps the website updated as new events are created. Don’t miss the event that you keep telling yourself you’re going to do. 2015 is the year to actually do it!

Take time this month to show those you love, whatever type of love that may be, your best side and shower them with attention. I predict that you will receive much more than you gave. See you in the curves.