Fall is peeping around the corner alluring us with thoughts and dreams of cooler weather. With the cooler weather comes a calendar that picks up some traction as we then start moving into our winter months and a completely full calendar.

In August our mid-summer Barbeque was held at Mike Kwasin’s beautiful home in Tampa. As we extend our many thanks to Mike for the BBQ, we also need to extend the big hearty “thank you!” for his many years of service to Suncoast PCA – “think” 25 years. When I asked Mike how he came to be our host with the most, Mike told me that that he “used to do the board meeting and back then they would have a board meeting and serve food – appetizers and food – in the old house that burned down in 1997 (he had moved in 87 or so). It then evolved from a board meeting every month to one time a year and then mushroomed to be what it is now.” However it came to be, Mike, we thank you for your wonderful parties. Suncoast PCA wouldn’t be the same without you!

October is starting off great as Grant and Eunice Painter have once again set up Porsches and Pints the first Saturday in October (check calendar for details) with the Dunedin Brewery. This event has grown every year and is now on the Must Do List each year. Be on the lookout for more information and save the date! This is followed by AutoCross, Date Your Porsche Night, a sold out Fall Tour and the Porsche and Putters Golf tournament the first Saturday in November. A great way to start the fall!

Fall also kicks off Driver’s Education as we saw with the successful weekend in September. The DE staff has been working hard on making some changes to the instructor weekend. In addition to adding an additional on-track day and time for the instructors, additional educational sessions have been added. This means added opportunity for instructors and well educated and trained instructors for the participants! Thank you to Grant Painter, Rick Meyer and Amy Riches for your leadership!

The Escape 2014 Committee and members of the Florida Citrus and Space Coast Regions invite you to participate in Escape to Magical Orlando at Disney’s Coronado Springs Resort on November 6-9. PCA Escape has no competitive activities, is purely social in nature, and is comprised of drives and tours. This is the first Escape held in the Southeast US and will be the only national event held in this area of the country for the next few years. If you’re attending, drives are scheduled to the Brumos Collection, Salvador Dali Museum, Mount Dora, Kennedy Space Center, Ocala National Forest (Cayenne/Macan tour) Sebring International Raceway and Daytona International Speedway, to name a few. As a Disney Resort, you will have access to discounted attraction tickets and the free shuttle system that serves the 45-square mile Walt Disney World complex. Complete details are available at escape2014.pca.org. Registration is now open at www.clubregistration.net. Registration fees include the opening night “TaCkY ToUrIsT PaRtY”, an event shirt and goodie bag for all participants, and a special closing night banquet. Registration also grants access to Disney’s hotel reservation system and the special rate of $139 per night at the Resort, which can be extended both two-days before and after Escape. This is a great event for the entire family.

Save the dates for the pre-holiday season charitable wine party at Mike Kwasin’s on November 15 and the return of the Holiday Gala at the Museum of Fine Arts on December 6. More to come on these wonderful events!