Zoom zoom. It is amazing how quickly time flies when you’re having fun. As we head into February, the month of love, I think as Porsche owners and club members we fire it up a little with the love of the drive. Different spin on love, maybe, but pureness of heart exists there nevertheless.
January started off with your board planning for the upcoming year and discussing general club business. It is no secret that it’s going to be another great year to be a Suncoast Porsche Club of America member. We accomplished much as we merged tenured members with those who are new to the board at this kick-off planning meeting. It was refreshing to hear new ideas and new approaches to ideas that have been around for awhile. I think you will like what you are going to see.
It was another exhilarating event at Sebring participating in the best Club Racing event in the world – 48 Hours! Another sold out race with hundreds of volunteers having as much fun as those who are behind the wheel on the track! In its 21st year, this race is run by a large committee with directors from the Suncoast and Gold Coast regions who work all year to make sure it is operated professionally and by PCA National standards. Dave Herndon is the Co-Chair representing Suncoast and does a phenomenal job! If you volunteered, thank you!, and you know what I’m talking about. If you were unable to volunteer, there’s always next year!
We are fortunate enough to have members who lead events year after year. Carl and Diane Bohall are two such people. In 2006 they started the Fall Tour that has occurred faithfully every October. They drive miles and miles exacting the right route for fun driving, scout out exquisite restaurants, quaint B&Bs, comfortable hotels, and know just the right atmosphere for just plain fun. Those who have been lucky enough to participate in this event will always have a fun story to share. Thank you to the award winning Carl and Diane for many years of service with this fabulous annual event!
Save the Date for the returning Sunrise to Sunset Rally that is being held the last weekend of April. Work is underway for the route and end location. The last rally was held in September 2012 at which time the Suncoast region brought home the SunChaser award. It was the first time we had won the award for many years. Let’s defend our turf and keep it here as the Space Coast region has challenged us that they want to return it to their region. All you need to do is to participate in the event and win or place in your rally class. We can do it!
I hope you’re enjoying the beautiful weather that we enjoy here during the mild Florida winters and I look forward to seeing you at one of the many fine events scheduled in February, in March, . . . . . . I think you are getting the picture. Enjoy the month of love in your Porsche.