This is my last message to you as President of the most awesome PCA Region on the planet. I am very grateful for the confidence that you placed in me to be your president for the past two years. I am very proud of the Suncoast Florida Porsche Club of America and its Board of Directors as we worked together to prepare and offer for you and to you, our members, a stunning array of activities and events. We are a vibrant, active and fun-loving group, with many dedicated volunteers and leaders.
As I look back over the year, I am astounded by our accomplishments. Despite many challenges, your board members stepped up to the plate time and again and delivered a full schedule of outstanding activities and events.
Moving into 2016 some of the faces will change, but our goal remains the same. We have much to be proud of when it comes to what we offer you, our members, and are always looking for better ways in which to serve.
None of our accomplishments could have been delivered in the style in which we presented our activities and events without our three dealerships – Bert Smith Porsche, Motorsports by Reeves, and Suncoast Motorsports. From the bottom of my heart I would not only like to thank all three for their support, but also for their level of support, the creativity in which support was continually offered and provided, and the warmth with which it was given. Without you we would not be the great Region we are today.
There are too many volunteers and directors to mention all that make this great Region stand out as one of the best so I will feature departing board members.
Page Obenshain is one of the outstanding leaders in our Region and has held many positions within the Region over the years. You may find him most often behind the scenes providing guidance and assistance in many areas. He served as Past President for the last two years and as President the two years prior, as well as being involved in many areas. He will continue to serve and be very active. When you see Page, please show him your gratitude!
Carlos DeBonis will be leaving the board as the Drivers Education Tech where he served for twelve, yes, twelve! years. Carlos has assisted greatly in providing a safe driving environment as well as offering education about how our cars are designed and how they operate safely at high speeds. Most importantly he delivered this with a fun and easy-going manner. We will miss you greatly in this role, Carlos, but know that we will continue to see you around the track and at events.
Ryan Johnson is departing the board as one of our Member-At-Large positions where he has served for several years. Ryan handled the advertising area for the Profile and did an outstanding job. He always brought a smile, a joke, and we always looked forward to seeing him. We will miss you, Ryan, and hope you will rejoin us in the future.
Rick Meyer is departing the board as our Drivers Education Registrar where he performed at an award winning level. In addition to his fun-loving and light-hearted approach, he perfumed his duties in creative ways that smoothed the way for anyone participating in DE. You will be sorely missed, Rick, and we hope you will rejoin us in the future.
To those leaving the board this year, I know that we will have many more opportunities to work together, for this is only a farewell, certainly not a goodbye.
I am wishing for you, our cherished members, a peaceful and joyous Holiday Season and New Year. Thank you for being a part of this wonderful Region and know that you are a part of “it’s the people!” See you in the New Year! Remember that “As one door closes … another door opens …” Namaste.