November is a big month for Suncoast PCA kicking off the month with our second annual Wine Tasting & Dinner to benefit Ready For Life being held at Mike Kwasin’s beautiful home in South Tampa with the Instructor’s Weekend at Sebring the following weekend.

We have much for which we can be thankful in our Region! Every year there’s a group of dedicated volunteers who spend many hours brainstorming, planning, tweaking and executing a wonderful weekend and experience for Driver’s Education Instructor Weeeknd and 48 Hours. Both of which are offered in your back yard.

Both of these programs are an extension of our National programs. The following are highlights published by National on these programs; I thought they are beneficial for newer members and a great refresher for those of us who have been around it for awhile.

Overview of our 48 Hours At Sebring race:

The basic structure of Club Racing involves a national PCA Club Racing Committee, the PCA National Office, and the Regions. The PCA National Office provides administrative support and establishes/maintains all activities associated with the national licensing of Club Racers. In addition, the National Committee includes a group of Chief Stewards, Chief Scrutineers and National Time Techs. One, or more, of each group is assigned to each Club Race, and the assigned individuals function as the chief operating officials for that Race.

Club Racing was established around several guiding principles. First, there should be a class for all Porsche sports cars, including both street and modified cars. Second, the racing is to be fun, safe, and clean. This principle is embodied in the strict enforcement of the ’13/13 Rule,’ which provides for immediate sanctions against any driver at fault in any incident involving car damage. Third, the organization and operation of Club Races is to be uniform, so that any racer may attend any Club Race and know exactly what to expect.

Driver Education

The Porsche Club of America also offers an alternate on-track driving experience called Driver Education (DE). The mission and purpose of the DE Program is to provide a safe, structured, and controlled teaching and learning environment. The PCA DE Program is designed so the participant can improve his or her driving abilities and acquire a better understanding of vehicle dynamics and driving safety at various tracks around the country.

The mission and purpose of the Porsche Club of America’s Driver’s Education Program is to provide a safe, structured and controlled teaching and learning environment. The PCA DE Program is designed so that participants can improve their driving abilities and acquire a better understanding of vehicle dynamics and driving safety. Participants will experience first-hand the capabilities of high performance automobiles in a controlled, closed-course environment and acquire skills that will enhance safer vehicle operation in all driving situations.

This adventure can become very addictive. Our instructors will teach you to drive your Porsche the way Stuttgart designed it to be driven. PCA DE schools are run in a safe and controlled environment on a closed course. Like any new sport your instructor will guide you into this exciting world of high performance driving. These weekends are great sources of stories. You will have dreams about various turns and wake up with memories of your instructor yelling BRAKE or DON’T LIFT. These schools are truly the only safe way to learn the engineering dynamics that went into the development of this famous racing marque.

I hope to see you at Kwasin’s at our Wine Tasting & Dinner to benefit Ready For Life at Mike Kwasin’s, and at Sebring the following weekend. It’s also time to sign up as a volunteer for 48 Hours which will be here before you know it.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I hope it is blessed and filled with love.